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What Is It?

Microneedling is the insertion of very fine, small needles into the skin creating microchannels, triggering the body's healing process, stimulating new collagen production. Collagen helps restore elasticity and as you age the existing collagen in your body breaks down and gets harder to produce. 

Microneedling can be achieved almost anywhere on the body. Popular areas being the face and neck, hands, and areas with stretchmarks


Microneedling is performed using a medical grade serum which has strong regenerating properties to improve skin firmness, elasticity, and tone. Improving fine lines and wrinkles and skin that looks and feels brighter, more luminous, and healthy.


3-4 sessions recommended every 4-6 weeks with 6-12 month maintenance depending on skin concern, lifestyle and expectations.

*a topical numbing agent is used to minimize discomfort


This treatment has a two week healing phase. Redness usually lasts 1-3 days. Some flaking and purging of the skin may be noted as new skin cells begin to rebuild themselves.

Microneedling with PRP (Vampire Facial)

A Vampire Facial is extracting your own blood that contains three to five times more platelets, growth factors and active proteins for tissue and injury healing. With the application of PRP, this treatment naturally helps improve the tone, texture and brightness of the skin. PRP can help with tightening areas on the face and body that have elasticity loss and reducing the appearance of stretch marks and scarring.

The benefits of PRP cannot be recreated in any cosmetic, cosmeceutical or pharmaceutical product because it's our body's own cells creating new tissue and healthy skin.

Who Is It Suitable For?

- fine lines and wrinkles

- sun damage

- softening pores

- acne scarring

- healthier feeling and looking skin

- tired and dry skin

- loss of laxity

- uneven pigmentation

- people who are looking for a natural treatment using the body's healing process


Microneedling with serum $300

With PRP aka Vampire Facial $469

Vampire Facial with PRP injections $500

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