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What Is It?

Vitamin B-12 has been shown to help reduce stress, fatigue, improve memory, cardiovascular health, and maintain good body weight.
It can also assist the body in converting proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into energy, supporting your metabolism.

B12 is found in animal products so low diets on meats and dairy usually benefit from this injection. Low b12 symptoms often include headaches, sluggishness, poor sleep, poor energy and some mental health factors like depression


This is a quick injection in the upper arm and takes anywhere between 24-72 hours to fully get absorbed into the body. Minimally painless too!
Monthly injections are recommend. For wellness purposes only.

Most Common Benefits

- increase energy

- mental clarity
- increases metabolism & supports weight loss
- improved sleep patterns & deeper sleep
- promotes healthy hair, skin and nails
- improves moods & helps with symptoms of depression
- supports bone health

- supports immune system


$50 per injection

3 monthly injections- $125

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